Monday, December 10, 2012

Used Clothing Commodity Revisited

          At the beginning of the semester the inspiration for my commodity came from an article I read about used clothing in Zambia, Africa. Looking at the economic hardships these people are enduring made me wish for a new currency that actually worked for them as well as everyone in the world. That's when the idea of used clothing came to me. Why not trade something that most people have in abundance?
          As I pondered my idea more, I realized that this new commodity will create just as many problems as paper money for those living in poverty. Zambians would still continue to have fewer means by which to accumulate this new form of trade and, in turn, still struggle financially.
          However, there are some creditable qualities to this new system, if those living in poverty are allowed to produce their own high-quality clothing, since they have the means and access to growing their own crops like cotton. This could close the gap between the rich and poor that today continues to grow wider. With this new found wealth third world countries such as Zambia could acquire the status of a super-power. I still think watching this possible chain of events unfold would truly be fascinating.